Awakening is not an endpoint, but an invitation to growth, balance, and self-discovery.
From my own experience, through a deep personal crisis came a moment of awakening, I share insights on how to recognize and face the challenges on the path to awareness.
My goal is to provide a space where you can discover your own deep truth, without becoming dependent on anyone else.
Through Satsangs, workshops, or conversations, I offer practical insights into "applied spirituality," allowing you to explore your unique path.

My Own Awakening Story –
The Trigger
During my time as a coach for an agency in Germany that supported long-term unemployed individuals (2003/2004), I deeply immersed myself in the books Conversations with God.
These books inspired me greatly and filled my days with new insights.
At the same time, I was deeply involved in family constellations and began exploring the boundless world of neuroscience and quantum physics.
During this period, I built a strong inner foundation.
But as the pragmatist I am, I was also fully focused on applying this knowledge in everyday life.
Something I later began to call “applied spirituality.”
After my time at that agency and the financial crisis in 2008, I started working for my then-partner in March 2009. She had her own business, and I helped her with online sales. But what seemed like a new step quickly became a deep personal challenge.
My dependency on her, caused by the financial crisis, the problems in our relationship, and the tensions in our family, placed me under unbearable psychological pressure.
Life felt hopeless, and it seemed as though I was trapped in a situation with no way out.
It was clear to me: my life had failed, and there was no way out of this mess.
It was clear, my life on earth no longer had meaning. Yet, I couldn’t simply “leave.” My children were young, and I realized they were relying on me. Without me, they would lose their last piece of stability. That was not an option for me.

My Own Awakening Story –
A Drastic Decision
In the summer of 2009, I made what I call a “passive suicide” decision.
When I was 17, I contracted toxoplasmosis while I was in the army. A condition that weakened my liver. I knew that by drinking a little whisky every day, my liver wouldn’t be able to handle it, and this would be fatal to me within 10 to 15 years.
(That was my thought) By that time, my children would be old enough to stand on their own.
For me, this felt like a rational choice.
It gave me a strange kind of inner peace; the pressure of a direct solution was gone.

My Own Awakening Story –
The Turning Point
On Sunday morning, September 13, 2009, we were, as usual, sitting at the breakfast table together. But that morning, I felt worse than ever before. It was as if my whole being was telling me that I couldn’t go on anymore. I didn’t want to burden my family with it, so I kept silent.
Eventually, my partner noticed that I looked bad and asked, “Are you okay?” I admitted that I didn’t feel well and withdrew to the bedroom.
Lying in bed, I tried to meditate, something that had helped me in the past. But this time it didn’t work. The pain, the sadness, and the despair were too great, unbearable. It felt as though I was being forced into the core of my suffering, with no way out.
In a moment of total surrender, I said to myself, “Okay, do what you have to do... I don’t know anymore.”
And then it happened.
It’s hard to describe what I experienced at that moment, but it felt as though I “fell through the structure of my experience.” My ego – that inner voice that constantly judges and controls – disappeared.
What remained was a deep peace and limitless clarity. An indescribable amount of knowledge began to flow through me. Everything that once seemed complicated and confusing became completely clear in that one moment, and from that moment on.
This was not an ecstatic or euphoric moment, but a deep state of “being.” It felt as though I was being absorbed into something much larger than myself.
And although I was not fully aware of what was happening, I knew that my life would be different from that moment on.

My Own Awakening Story –
The Aftermath
After about ten minutes, I estimate, I got up and went back to the breakfast table. When my partner asked if I felt better, I simply replied, “Yes,” and continued with breakfast. But deep inside, I knew something fundamental had changed.
Later, I began to understand this experience as a moment of awakening.
It wasn’t mystical enlightenment as often described, but a shift in consciousness. I became fully aware of my ego structure, and it no longer had control over me.
What I also realized is that around “awakening,” many ideas and concepts float that do not align with being truly awakened.
For example, people expect awakened individuals to be saints: always happy, perfect in their behavior, and free from human emotions.
But that is not my experience.
Awakening does not mean that you no longer face challenges. That you no longer have emotions. That you are only happy. That’s not what awakening is.
It means that you are no longer fully controlled by the unconscious patterns of your ego.
My Own Awakening Story –
Sharing My Experience
A few months after my awakening, I shared my story in a spiritual circle in Germany where I was living at the time. Simply and solely, I wanted to share my experience, nothing more. With these people, that should be possible.
After my story, there was silence. After a few minutes, someone asked, “Can you teach us this?”
And so began a new phase in my life. One of those people organized Satsangs and transformation workshops.
In a short time, the meetings grew in popularity. People came in ever larger numbers, and although I found it special, I wasn’t excited or euphoric or anything like that. I was an observer, nothing more than that.
Over time, I noticed that a dynamic started to form that concerned me. Some participants began to become dependent on me. They were looking for answers outside of themselves, from me.
I felt that there was a temptation growing within me that would lead me to what I call “an ego guru.”
In November 2010, I was “challenged” by people during a Transformation workshop, and if I had taken that step, I would have become an ego guru.
It was a moment of testing. And this does not align with who I am.
The phenomenon of the ego guru is not what suits me, nor is it something I desire.
A wise man once said:
“The true master is not the one with the most followers.
A true master is the one who brings the most people to their own mastery.
Therefore, a true master usually has few to no followers.”
In the spring of 2011, I decided to stop giving Satsangs and workshops.
What followed was a long period of finding harmony between my awakened consciousness and my human nature.
It turned out to be a process that took years. The moment of awakening is not the endpoint.
Now, years later, I again feel the energy to share my knowledge and experience.
My goal is not to provide answers, but to offer a space where others can discover their own truth, their own mastery.
A space where I can support people in discovering their true self and assist in integrating that into normal life.
(One) of My Missions
My mission is, among other things, to demystify awakening and living as an awakened person. (I’m already doing this by openly writing and sharing about it here.)
I do this, among other ways, by:
• helping you recognize signs of awakening,
• helping you understand and live through the different stages,
• AND facing the challenges that come with it.
Awakening brings balance and clarity, but it also requires conscious handling of the dynamic between the awakened consciousness, the needs of the body, and you as a human being.
My goal is to create a space where you can discover your own path, free from ego and dependence, and where you learn to stay true to your deepest knowing.

What I "Offer" You
I am not offering you a tangible thing, like a sandwich. What I offer you is:
• The demystification of the theme of awakening, being awakened, and living as an awakened person.
• An explanation of how to recognize the symptoms that indicate awakening is approaching. There are clear signs showing that someone is on the path, or about to awaken themselves.
• What are these symptoms, and how can you stay on this path? (if you want to).
• How can you recognize that you are awakened?
• What stages do you go through when you are awakened?

Then, After Awakening
After awakening, a new chapter begins in life.
This chapter has different stages, each with its own challenges.
It is important to be able to recognize these stages, so that the deep knowing within the awakened person knows how to handle them.
What challenges do you face, and how can you deal with them?
After awakening, there is often still no balance between the awakened part and the body and human nature. The awakened part does not need the body and human nature and does not judge what the body and/or human nature does.
If the body and/or human nature does something that is very important for the body and/or human nature itself, the awakened part will always step back.
I call this the “swinging back and forth” between the awakened part and the needs and habits of the body and/or human nature.
This is often confusing, both for the awakened person themselves and for those around them.
That’s why it’s important for the awakened person to interpret this dynamic. This way, they stay connected to their deep knowing and can overcome the challenges.
Recognizing when the ego takes control
As long as there is no balance between the awakened part and the physical body, there is a great risk that the instinct will use the awakened part to create more security in human life.
The feeling of security is enhanced, for example, when:
• you receive a lot of recognition from others,
• many people attend your workshops,
• all of this generates a lot of money and provides financial security,
• and when women (or men) offer themselves to you.
Ego Gurus
The temptation is VERY STRONG for the instinct!
I have met some masters in my life where the ego took control. Masters who had turned into an ego guru. Usually with many followers.
The awakened part is still present in an ego guru, but it has withdrawn.
If something is very important for the body and/or human nature, the awakened part always allows this and steps back into the background.
This is how “Ego Gurus” are formed, who use people in various ways, usually unconsciously and in the belief that they are doing good.
Very Important
It is therefore incredibly important to recognize the symptoms of an “Ego Guru,” both in others and in yourself when you are awakened, to prevent yourself from becoming an ego guru.
In this way, you can remain pure and, in my experience, you create the best possible opportunities for yourself as an awakened person, and for those around you, to come to their own mastery, to awaken themselves, to “fall through your structure of your experience.”

The Form in Which I "Offer" This
This support can be offered in all imaginable forms. I personally do this through Satsang evenings, afternoons, or full days.
The Sanskrit word Satsang is a combination of two parts: Sat and sang. Sat means "truth" or "the true self." Sang means "being together" or "company."
Satsang literally means "being together in truth."

Why Do I Do This?
For me, the greatest fulfillment comes when I can touch people, so they too can walk this path of awakening, if they wish.
That is essentially what I have been doing for the past few years. In the last 10 years of my working life, I worked as an Agile Coach at large companies, where my task was, among other things, team building. But “secretly,” my goal was “something else.” And time and time again, I meet people there who resonate with this aspect of life.
Even in business, many people are thirsty for fulfillment, and they often jump into it enthusiastically. If they open up, I will go as deep and as long with them as they wish.
But whether it’s in a business environment, a Satsang, or any other personal contact with someone, the reward for me is: being a witness to every step a person takes on this path.
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And what are the costs?
The possible costs for renting a space, as well as for any coffee and tea provided, and possibly my travel expenses, will be shared among the attendees.
In addition, I work on a donation basis. If you would like to support my work, I would greatly appreciate a donation.
The amount of the donation is up to you.